Today’s internet population suffers from data deluge and is social-media driven. This means, as a marketer, you need to run omnichannel marketing campaigns to ensure that every customer touch-point communicates a branded and holistic message in your marketing strategy. This includes digital marketing as well as traditional integrated marketing campaign touch-points.
Marketers today have more choice than ever before to advertise. The challenge in creating an omnichannel marketing campaign is the alignment of traditional with online.
Traditional marketing channels like direct marketing, print advertising, radio and television have a unique method of advertising and you know what is the most effective method. Besides this, web advertising, social media marketing and mobile marketing cater to a distinct set of customers and have an entirely unique set of success strategies. In this backdrop, a unified omnichannel marketing strategy can be a challenge to create and execute.
Because of the above challenge, there is no fool-proof or surefire formula to create an integrated marketing campaign that is successful. However, the following steps will help create one that can maximise success through viewership and interesting CTAs.
Key 1: Isolate and understand your target audience

According to @StratCommun‘s Linda Pophal – “It’s important to clearly identify [who your target audience is by] both demographic and psychographic (attitudes, interests and behaviors), to help develop key messages and to identify the best communication channels to reach them.”
Creating audience profiles can be a great beginning to your omnichannel marketing campaign. Bring on the old audience profiles, if you have created them for other integrated marketing campaigns in the past. Edit them and make them relevant to the present time.
Some questions you should ask yourself are:
- Who are your target audience / customers?
- What are they motivated by?
- How do they like being communicated to?
- Which magazines or newspapers do they read?
- Which websites do they visit regularly?
- If they are on social media, what are they talking about?
Key 2: Choose your channels for the omnichannel marketing campaign

Traditional or digital, choose your channels for your branded communication. Once you lock your data using Step 1, create a list of channels, both traditional and digital. Select relevant and useful channels where you think your audience fits in. Do not increase your marketing costs by including channels that may not work for you. You can use experience from past campaigns to choose.
Some questions that need answering here are:
- What are the channels strengths and weaknesses?
- Which ones will help me reach my objectives?
- What percentage of my target audience is on each one?
- Concentrate on effective channels and prune the list mercilessly.
- Don’t be everywhere, all the time, ‘spray and pray’ does not work anymore.
Key 3: Follow your branding guide everywhere

Keep your brand’s visual identity consistent across all traditional / digital channels and communication. Visual identity is how you want your viewers to perceive your brand. It is more than your logo; it is about the look and feel, common fonts and colours, graphics and photographs, and the totality of its impact. This will ensure that the viewer will make a visual connection across channels and with such branding, you will create a successful omnichannel marketing campaign. Research shows it takes over 5 impressions for a viewer to recognise a brand or its specific message.
Key 4: Create interesting content that can be adapted to all chosen channels
For communication across channels to be consistent, it is very important to create simple yet compelling content that can be adapted to all of them with ease. Do not use confusing phrases or Shakespearean language to impress. It is more important to get the message across than to learn your English. All communication – offers or messages must be clear and appeal to the viewer to take action while being consistent across internet, mobile phones and in-store.

All messaging should be good to use across all channels whether it is a blog post, email marketing content, a video or a case study. And, we should use the messaging across all channels as and where suitable by cutting across it without changing the visual impact.
All messaging created for your omnichannel marketing campaign should have proper CTA’s driving traffic and culminate in action, whether it is a sale, or a subscription or to build lists.
Integrated marketing campaigns need specific communication strategies to grow and succeed. Use client reviews, client’s social media handles and whatever resources you have to create the right impact. This will help your message go viral and improve reach. The more the reach, the more the conversions.
Key 5: Synchronise your omnichannel marketing campaign
If you are outsourcing your integrated marketing campaign, even bits and pieces of it, make sure that all teams involved are in sync with others. This is very crucial to success. Have regular team meetings, even daily, if required to ensure that the right messaging goes out on the right schedule at the right time. All teams should understand the campaign well along with its objectives, look and feel and messaging tactics. We should share all collaterals used across teams to drive home the message of success. Simply put, all of them should agree.

Coordination will go a long way in ensuring that your omnichannel marketing campaign is on course to success.
Key 6: Analyse the analytics of your omnichannel marketing campaign
This is the most critical aspect of your omnichannel marketing campaign. It is important to man the analytics and use human analysis to understand the direction in which your campaign is headed. The attribution methods used can help understand your success and to tuck away as an experience for campaigns to come.

We understand that analytics from traditional marketing are difficult to come by, track, or their correctness is questionable. Take them with a pinch of salt, but do not write them off. They will important from a comparison perspective. But your digital marketing practices can get you perfect analytics of your omnichannel marketing campaign.
These analytics will also help you keep tabs on spending and give you insights from an ROI standpoint.

Omnichannel is one of the new digital marketing trends that will drive a consistent brand experience to grow your business with ease and make is sustainable.
Use these time-tested keys to drive successful omnichannel marketing campaigns and get futuristic.
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